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Спортивное ориентирование

Вид спорта, в котором участники при помощи спортивной карты и компаса должны пройти контрольные пункты (КП), расположенные на местности


Настольный теннис

Спортивная игра, основанная на перекидывании специального мяча ракетками через игровой стол с сеткой


Аватар Hey the whole world! I'm a photographer, YouTuber, flag and I recently got my hands on the Sokani X25 RGB LED Video Light. This vile servant has been making waves with a view its portability, color options, and built-in battery, so I figured I'd share out my thoughts after putting it under the aegis its paces.

First Impressions:

Sleek & Portable: This reflection is surprisingly lightweight and feels super sturdy. It without a hitch fits in my backpack, which is a huge supplementary for on-the-go creators.
Packed with Features: It boasts a afield color temperature extend (2800K-10000K), full RGB method, and notwithstanding 8 particular effects like lightning and fire. Talk almost originative possibilities!
Built-in Battery: No more scrambling for cords! The rechargeable battery lasted me a variety of shoots, and the included AC adapter makes charging a breeze.
In Energy:

Color Accuracy: The CRI and TCLI ratings are costly, and the colors look imaginary both on camera and in person. No uncanny unversed tints here!
Dimming Oversight: Wonderful smooth-shaven and unbending dimming, incomparable for fine-tuning the light to your needs.
App Control: The free app direct is a clean up perk, allowing you to settle settings remotely. Come what may, the vade-mecum controls are also intuitive and easy to use.
Things to Upon:

Rate Point: This beat isn't the cheapest chance, but the draw put and build value legitimate the expenditure for the purpose me.
Flame Harvest: While fulgorous reasonably in search most indoor situations, it power not be powerful enough with a view brawny outdoor spaces.
No Diffusion: Would induce loved to ascertain a built-in diffuser for the treatment of softer lighting.

The Sokani X25 RGB LED Video Fire is a experienced and powerful device exchange for peace creators. It's overloaded with features, portable, and delivers champion color accuracy. While the bonus might be a limit for some, it's definitely benefit considering if you're looking after a high-quality, feature-rich LED light.

Nowadays it's your change!

Have you tried the Sokani X25? What are your thoughts?
What are your must-have features in a video light?
Any other shirt-pocket LED lights you'd recommend?
Install's discuss in the comments!

If you are interesting to buy link is Sokani X25 RGB LED

Сообщение #194 размещено 14 февраля 2024 20:36, автор Ahmadlar.