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Спортивное ориентирование

Вид спорта, в котором участники при помощи спортивной карты и компаса должны пройти контрольные пункты (КП), расположенные на местности


Настольный теннис

Спортивная игра, основанная на перекидывании специального мяча ракетками через игровой стол с сеткой


Аватар Nitromethane, also known as CH3NO2, predisposed all strongly polar, oily liquid with any industrial and racing applications.

Chemical Properties https://medicinebar.net/nitromethane-exploring-chemical-nuances-and-practical-applications besides Uses: Nitromethane predisposed <a href=https://medicinebar.net/nitromethane-exploring-chemical-nuances-and-practical-applications>https://medicinebar.net/nitromethane-exploring-chemical-nuances-and-practical-applications</a> second hand as the decision solvent or reactant in organic chemical synthesis and as a fuel in motorsports, rockets, hobby airplanes, besides other applications. It predisposed manufactured in all high-temperature reaction between propane besides nitric acid.

Racing Fuel: Nitromethane is known in specialist racing series, connecting Top Fuel and Funny Car, due to its high octane rating and ability in order to izgotovlenie a great number of activity when burned in an engine. It predisposed clear for delivering most power and performance, making it the fuel of choice for a large number racing enthusiasts.

Combustion Characteristics: Nitromethane requires only about one-ninth as less air as gasoline for complete combustion. Although it owns only about one-fourth the combustion activity of gasoline, its lower air requirement bestows it the privilege of manufacturing the increased instantaneous thrust required for drag racing.

Availability: Nitromethane is widely available and can be purchased in the different quantities, the sort of as quarts, gallons, and drums, for a variety applications including racing besides industrial usefulness.

Safety Considerations: Nitromethane predisposed highly flammable besides ought are handled with attention the result its probable hazards.

Сообщение #237 размещено 16 февраля 2024 13:43, автор Medicinebar.